In early 2023, Trout Unlimited (TU) secured funding from the US Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART program to establish a new watershed group in the lower South Fork Boise River Watershed. The goal is to foster collaboration and trust related to planning and implementing solutions to address challenges such as degraded water quality, habitat degradation, loss of stream function, and impacts of climate change.
To lead this important initiative, TU recently hired Anthony Prisciandaro as the South Fork Boise River Watershed Manager.

Name: Anthony Prisciandaro
BS in Biology with a minor in Environmental Science and Policy from Hartwick College in New York State (2004).
Masters in Natural Resources from University of Idaho (2015).
Anthony is a highly accomplished Fish Biologist, formerly employed by the Bureau of Reclamation (“Reclamation”). With over 17 years of experience, he has excelled in several areas, including facilitating meetings to reach agreements on critical topics related to fish and water management, coordinating interdisciplinary teams for fisheries monitoring and mitigation, securing substantial grant funding, developing and managing programs, and ensuring environmental compliance.

During his time at Reclamation, Anthony made significant contributions to projects involving water management, bull trout ecology, invasive species monitoring, and water quality assessments. His expertise and achievements have been recognized through awards and honors, and he has actively shared his knowledge through presentations and publications.
When asked what he is most excited about in this new role, Anthony responded, “I am most excited about being able to use science to inform a proactive conservation strategy for the South Fork Boise River Watershed.”

Written by Ashlynn Goody, Policy and Outreach Associate for Trout Unlimited based out of Bosie, Idaho.