
South Fork at 6,000 cfs: A Top Ten Rating

On Friday April 27, 2012, releases from Anderson Ranch Dam hit 6,000 cfs.  This is a flow quantity rarely seen on the South Fork Boise River.  Based on records dating back to 1943 (seven years before the dam’s completion) here’s the top years where peak flows got nearly to, or exceeded, 6,000 cfs.

Since 1943 here are the years where peak flows were 6,000 cfs or better

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Fly Casting Tournament to Help South Fork Boise River Fishery

The 2nd Annual Fly Casting Tournament & Fly Fishing Boat Show is set for May 12, 2012, at Eagle Island State Park.

Four-person teams will compete in two divisions using a golf tournament format.  A maximum number of 12 Gold teams (Advanced) and 18 Silver teams (Recreational) will compete on fourteen land and water based casting targets, or holes.  Each hole represents a unique casting discipline/challenge.  Lowest team scores win.

“The purpose for the tournament is to generate matching funds for habitat improvement on the South Fork of the Boise River downstream of Anderson Ranch Dam,” says tournament chairman Pat Kilroy.  “Last year’s inaugural 2011 Fly Casting Tournament raised $10,000 and was a decisive factor in the completion of the Pierce Creek Culvert project.  This money matched other local, state and Federal funds that removed a fish passage blockage for wild trout spawners.”

Kilroy stated that proceeds from the 2012 Fly Casting Tournament & Fly Fishing Boat Show will Continue Reading…

Lots of Water for 2012

Snowpack can and probably will continue to accumulate in the Boise mountains but it’s time for a snapshot where things stand for the 2012 conditions.  We have lots of water, both in the reservoir at Anderson Dam and in the mountains above. We will start with the mountains: Continue Reading…

WINTER WATER: Rain on Snow on the South Fork Boise

For many or most, the rods get stored away and skis are out for the winter.  Angler use on the South Fork Boise River is light through the winter months until the fishing closes March 31.  But through this phase the weather brings its own changes to the river.  A rain on snow event is the type of winter event where water flows and erosion can affect the South Fork Boise River.

An ice & water jam at the top of Anderson Ranch Dam

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SCIENCE FEBRUARY: Remote sensing used to understand river channel

The US Geological Survey (USGS) last year issued a science report on the use of laser technology to help exploring the depths and shape of the South Fork Boise river channel from the air.

The report (.pdf) carries the complicated but self-evident title of Evaluation of LiDAR-Acquired Bathymetric and Topograhic Data Accuracy in Various Hydrogeomorphic Settings in the Deadwood and South Fork Boise Rivers, West-Central Idaho, 2007.

It sounds and is complicated.  And NASA is involved too.   Continue Reading…